How can Low Cost Couples Counselling help us?

Posted 2nd of July 2024 by Gill Wier

At Sheffield Central Counselling we recognise that some couples have been considering seeking support for some time but are unsure about committing to the financial cost of private counselling. So we are offering some couples the chance to have counselling at the reduced rate of £30 per session. These sessions take place on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday morning and evening and are delivered by our Counsellors in Training, Nicola Harpin, Yasmina Fynn and Elly Sinclair.

You are eligible if you are on a low income or work for the NHS. If you are interested in applying please email or call Gill on 0114 326 0043. I will complete a short assessment with you and your partner over the phone to check if these sessions are suitable for you.

Couples often come to us when their relationship is at risk of breaking down, but you don’t have to be at crisis point to benefit from counselling.  You may simply want to improve how you and your partner relate to each other.

Couples counselling can help….

  • Provide a safe place for difficult conversations with the support of a trained counsellor
  • Facilitate communication between you and introduce new ways to communicate
  • Guide you to strengthen the bond between you and grow closer
  • Understand the unhelpful patterns you get stuck in and find alternative ways forward

These are just some of the issues couples come for help with

  • Arguing all the time
  • Breakdown in communication
  • Affairs and betrayals
  • Jealousy
  • A sense of drifting apart
  • Thinking of separation or divorce

It can take couples a long time to take the first step but the act of coming for counselling can in itself strengthen your commitment to each other as you choose to invest time and money in your relationship.

For more information contact us on 0114 326 0043 or email

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