What we have learned about coping with infertility

Posted 12th of March 2019 by Gill Wier

At the final session of our Coping with Infertility course last week, participants shared what they have learned and we wrote down a list that could be shared with others facing this difficult path.  Here are their collective ideas on what can help people cope with the stress and emotional pain of the infertility journey....



  • It’s important to talk to others who “get it”.  Being in a group with others facing the same issue has felt supportive and validated our feelings.

  • Consider carefully who you talk to about these issues and how much you share.

  • It’s valuable to hear from people who have been through the journey and found a way forward.

  • Try to be open and honest with your partner even if it means a difficult conversation. It’s OK not to be on the same page as your partner on everything but important to know where each other stand.

  • Conception is one of the few things in life you can’t control.  Focus on the choices that you do have.

  • Build mental resilience to help you cope with the challenges of this journey.  Try therapeutic techniques like the ones in this course to help you cope with stress.

  • Don’t let life pass you by or put your life on hold during this process.  Don’t say no to things just in case you’re pregnant.  Book in things to look forward to. 

  • Try to take a dual track approach of preparing for the both possibilities – of becoming a parent or living life as someone who does not have children.


Gill Wier will be running the Coping with Infertility course again later this year.  Keep an eye on our courses page for details.

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