What we have gained through experiencing infertility
Posted 25th of October 2019 by Gill Wier
At the final session of the Coping with Infertility course I asked the group a rather counter intuitive question – what have you gained from the experience of infertility? There are so many losses involved in this journey, so much pain, grief and struggle I wasn’t sure how easy they’d find it to identify positives. But I was encouraged that the group were able to name many things they have gained, demonstrating that difficult experiences can also contain much of value. Here is their list – I hope it encourages you too.
Greater awareness of what other people are going through
More gratitude for all I already have
Feel stronger, better at dealing with anxiety
It has pushed me to leave my comfort zone
More appreciation and awareness of my body
Made new friends and developed relationships with others through shared experiences
More self-knowledge and self-awareness
Able to compartmentalise
More patience and changed perception of time, find it easier to wait for things
Improved relationship with my partner, better communication and closeness.
Gill Wier runs a course on Coping with Infertility. The next course begins March 2nd 2020. To book your place please email gillsheffieldcentralcounselling.co.uk