Quality Time, Alone Time

Posted 8th of April 2020 by Sarah Saatzer

In these unprecedented times, these very different times; we are all in different circumstances and yet most of us are experiencing immense change. Some of us may wish for more people and chaos around us and some of us may be wishing for some peace and space from all that.

Homing in on the experience many of us are having of being constantly in the company of those close to us with barely a break; we may find ourselves hard pressed to manage this, to enjoy this, to make the best out of this. 

I wonder if the first thing to look at is: Are we getting time to negotiate our own internal adaptation to and managing of what is going on in our world and in the outside world? A little bit of space and time for being with our own internal experiencing, separate from those around us.

I am aware that may be next to impossible for many of us with the demands of work from home, children at home constantly and also maybe having our partner/spouse so much more in our day to day life than normal. 

Perhaps, though, we can negotiate in the family, little times and spaces here and there in the week where there can be some alone time for each of the people in the house, including some of the little people. Time away from screens and away from each other, just to be and allow ourselves to be with how we are feeling.

Journaling, deep relaxation and breathing, meditation practice, prayer, listening to music are all ideas about how to connect with yourself if you get these small, precious times. Or just sitting and staring out the window and doing nothing can be replenishing!

Just one consideration in all this change going on. 

Wishing warmth of heart and safety to all.

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