
Counselling for Couples 

We provide a safe place for you to get support with your relationship. Couples often come to us when their relationship is at risk of breaking down, but you don’t have to be at crisis point to benefit from counselling.  You may simply want to improve how you and your partner relate to each other.

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Counselling can be hugely beneficial to discuss each other’s expectations before a major life decision such as getting married or to strengthen your relationship before things get too difficult. 

On the other hand, significant life events such as the birth of a child, bereavement, redundancy and children leaving home can be unsettling and have a significant impact on your relationship.  Counselling can help you to make sense of what’s going on and negotiate new ways of relating to each other.

Whether you call it couples therapy, relationship counselling, marital therapy or marriage guidance counselling, we work with couples to help them make positive changes in their relationships.

Our approach

Counselling for couples gives you both the time and space to reflect on your relationship and how you interact with each other. We give you exercises and practical tools for improving communication. Sometimes one partner thinks we’ll fix the other. However, a key part of counselling for couples is understanding and accepting each other. It’s also important that both parties are willing to take part.

We welcome people of all genders and sexualities, those who are married or co-habiting or not living together as well as couples who are considering separation or divorce but want to retain a workable relationship, for example as parents after separation.

Your sessions

Your sessions last 50 minutes and are usually weekly or fortnightly for as long as you feel you need our support. Here are just some of the reasons why couples come to see us:

  • Arguing all the time
  • Breakdown in communication
  • Difficulties with sex
  • Loss of trust, for example when one person has had an affair
  • Jealousy
  • A sense of drifting apart
  • Thinking of separation or divorce

If one or both of you are seriously considering divorce you might benefit from Discernment Counselling, a specific structured approach which helps you to gain clarity and confidence in your decision based on a deeper understanding of what has happened to the marriage and each person's contribution to the problems. If you are interested please contact Gill

If you are experiencing sexual issues you might like to consider Psychosexual Therapy To find out more email Diana

We also offer low cost counselling to couples who are on a low income. If you are interested please contact us on 0114 326 0043 or email

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