Helping Sheffield People Back to Work

Over a period of eight months we provided counselling services for Opportunity Sheffield. This was a Sheffield City Council project to support a range of employers in Sheffield including SMEs and charities to develop their workforces. 

We counselled employees who were facing difficulties in their lives such as stress, depression, anxiety or bereavement. Having a better understanding of their situations and behaviours enabled clients to make positive change in their lives. Our counselling helped them to return to work and retain their jobs.

This rounded approach to health and wellbeing at work, enabled employers to address the root cause of particular circumstances affecting certain employees’ performance. Counselling proved a vital tool for tackling sickness and boosting productivity and morale.

Here is what Opportunity Sheffield say about their experience of working with us:

“Sheffield Central Counselling has proven an invaluable service to us and our clients at Opportunity Sheffield. We chose Sheffield Central Counselling thanks to their discreet and accessible location, their friendly and extremely helpful staff and their abilities as counselors. Feedback has been nothing short of fantastic. We really couldn’t recommend the service more to anyone considering counseling. 
Our thanks go to Gill, Bay and the team for providing such a valued service.” Matt Halliday, Opportunity Sheffield

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